Lisbona, 14 – 20 ottobre 2012
È un stato un grande successo il primo Corso di formazione internazionale organizzato dal CSDC nell’ambito del programma Europeo “Youth in Action”.
Il Corso è stato ospitato dal partner di progetto Associação Spin e ha visto la partecipazione di 18 giovani provenienti da Germania, Romania, Portogallo, Slovenia, Spagna, Bulgaria, Ungheria, Svezia e Italia.
Obiettivo principale lo sviluppo delle capacità comunicative e relazionali in contesti multiculturali e delle la capacità di interpretazione e gestione dei conflitti sia interpersonali che internazionali.
I partecipanti, tutti giovani impegnati nei rispettivi paesi in attività di pace e nonviolenza, per sei giorni hanno preso parte a diverse attività di educazione non formale (teatro, giochi di ruolo, lavori di gruppo, simulazioni) predisposti dal pool di trainers coordinati da Graziano Tullio (responsabile educativo del Progetto), esplorando temi quali la comunicazione efficace, l’analisi del conflitto, gli stereotipi e pregiudizi, i processi democratici, il campaigning per la pace e molti altri.
Per farsi un idea dell’ambiente, delle attività e delle caratteristiche del Corso è possibile visionare il video-report del Progetto.
The video report of the course:
Presentazione del Corso
The training course aims to increase the communication and conflict management skills of young multiplier in order to improve their abilities in peace education field
This training course is also designed to underline the importance of the experiential learning as a tool to explore innovative approaches on conflict transformation and develop mutual understanding when working in intercultural contexts.
– to promote experiential learning as a viable tool of Non Formal Education by exploring long time span simulation activities;
– to analyze the complexities of a conflict by living a simulated experience of clash;
– to improve youth skills in conflict transformation management;
– to give to young peace education practitioners an opportunity to seek a new creative solution of existing.
The course will be mainly focused on:
• communication, group dynamics and relational skills
• mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue
• discrimination and prejudices
• conflict analysis and conflict mapping
• conflict management and conflict transformation
• non-violent communication
• emotional aspects of a conflict and self reflection
• democracy, active citizenship and campaigning.
The methodological approach will be based on non-formal education (interactive lectures, creative thinking exercises, role plays, group working, theatre of the oppressed, simulation…) The experimental learning approach will be particularly taken into consideration: it will be more than just a method, but itself a theme to be explored.
By using role plays and simulation this TC will give the chance to the participants to analyze conflicting situations from as many points of view as possible.
The course is open to 18 participants coming from Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Sweden.
There are two places reserved for Italians. They should be:
– youth workers/ngo activists or students willing to develop their skills on peace-related activities
– between 20 and 30 years old
– able to speak in English
– able to attend the whole course starting from 14th until the 20th of October 2012.
Participation fee
A 30€ participation fee will be charged to every participant upon arrival at the course.
Funding and expenditure
All the expenses regarding activities, materials, meals and accomodation in Lisbon are fully covered.
Travel costs from home country to the venue will be covered to all participants in 70%.