Bologna Peacebuilding Online Forum 2020

Si svolgerà online l’edizione 2020 del Bologna Peacebuilding Forum, organizzato da Agenzia per il Peacebuilding.

L’evento sarà una conferenza online via ZOOM il 19 maggio 2020, dalle h.10.00 alle h.13.00.


Peacebuilding after the pandemic. Challenges and opportunities of the next decade

Looking beyond the analysis of current emergency, the Forum intends to reflect on issues impacting the future of peace and conflicts, and to draw solutions to the key challenges of next decade.

With the Forum we have created an annual event that allows a space for exchange and discussion between those who work in conflict areas and those who do research in this area, and that is increasingly a fixed appointment for those who work on issues of peace, conflict and development.

Guiding questions which will build–up our common reflection are :

  1. Climate change: Can peacebuilding contribute to prepare and respond to a crisis foretold? What is the expected impact of climate change on world conflicts in the next decade? 
  2. How does human mobility affect peace and conflict dynamics? How will the current restrictions on mobility affect conflicts and peacebuilding in the next years?
  3. Will the current emergency eclipse the work for peace? Are there lessons to learn from this crisis in managing conflicts? Could the fight against a common enemy make the international community more peaceful?

